Here’s What No One Tells You About on Page Seo Checklist in 2020

On-page SEO is the foundation of any blog to rank on search engines. There are two types of SEO for ranking any website – On Page and OFF Page. On-page SEO is the most effective way that describes the search engines about the site and its Content. So, if you do not take care of the on-page optimization, it is tough to see your content on the search engine’s result.

On-page and Off-page SEO both are interdependent to others. If you do not do any one of them, your site will never rank higher on the search engine’s result page. Off-page SEO consists of link building, social bookmarking, blog commenting, directory submission and many other things.

Before starting Off-page SEO, it is essential to do On-page SEO. On-page SEO consists of making any blog post SEO friendly by adding something unique. Here I am going to discuss some essential on-page SEO checklist that every blogger must follow to create SEO friendly blog post

On-Page SEO Checklist

Making a blog post SEO friendly is not so difficult. If you try to follow some rules, then it will be more natural to you. Followings are some of the critical on-page SEO checklists that you should follow when writing any blog post.


01. Write Attractive Post Title

The post title is the first and most important part of on-page SEO. Always try to write unique and attractive post title. The post title is the headline of your blog post that will describe your content topic. It will also be displayed on the search engine’s result page. Take a look at the post title.

Post title, also known as the title tag. Make your title tag catchy so that visitors feel the interest to read the whole article. You must remember the following thing when writing post title.

  1. The essential part of the title is to make it unique. And Google always likes exclusive Content. Your post title must be individual and describes the whole article.
  2. Use the h1 tag on the title.
  3. Your focus keyword must be included in the title tag.
  4. And the title must be within 70 characters.
  5. It is better to include the targeted keyword at the beginning of the post.

SEO for Beginner

02. Brief Description

The description is another essential part of on-page SEO. Formally it is known as meta description. Meta description also shows on the search engine’s result page under the title. Try to be careful when writing an attractive meta description. The following are some guidelines for writing a description.

  1. The meta description must be within 150 characters.
  2. The description must include your targeted keyword.
  3. The description must describe the whole Content in brief.
  4. It must be unique.

SEO tips

03. Heading Tag

Using different heading tags is another important on-page SEO issue that you must have to follow. The search engine always grabs the information of Content from the heading tags. So, your heading tag must describe your article best. Use h1, h2 and h3 tags on different places of your Content.

Also Read: Learn SEO At Home

Don’t try to over-optimize your blog by using the H2 and H3 tags too many times. It will be treated as a negative SEO to the search engines. Use the H1 tag on the main heading of your blog post. And use another heading tag on different places inside the Content.

04. Permalink

Permalink means the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) of a content. It must be SEO optimized. Your targeted keyword must include on the permalink. Here in WordPress, there are six different types of permalink. You can find out the permalink structure in the settings tab. The followings are the different types of permalinks.

Select “Post Title” as your permalink structure. Try to include your focused keyword at the beginning of the permalink. And your permalink also is short and nice looking. Use hyphens on permalink to separate the words.

05. Unique Content

This is the most important on-page SEO checklist. It is said that – “Content is the king of SEO“. Your Content must be unique and resourceful so that visitors can get useful information from the Content. Use your focus keyword different times on a content. And also try to follow the following guideline.


  1. Place your targeted keyword on the first few lines of your Content.
  2. Do not use the targeted keyword too many times. That means the keyword density will not too high.
  3. Content must be unique.
  4. The length of the Content must be more than 500 words.


06. Image Optimization

Optimize the image of Content by using Alternative tag. The search engine cannot read the text of an image but can read the Alt tag of an image. So, use the alt tag to describe the search engine about the image. Using an alternative tag is very easy. Use the following lines to include alternative text in any image.

<img src=”image-location” alt=”alternative-text” />

Use the alternative text on all of the images of your blog. Try to include the targeted keyword or relevant text on both the image file name and alternative text.

Also Read: Blogger  SEO Tips

07. Internal Links

Linking your webpage URL on different Content is known as internal links. Internal links are an excellent source of getting link juice. It also increases the page impression of your website. Use targeted keywords as anchor text on internal links. Check out your internal links in the google webmaster tool.

08. Use Different Multimedia

Only text-based Content is not so good for SEO purposes. Using image, video or audio increases the SEO score of your Content. You may use many photos and screenshots inside your Content to make the post more accessible to the audience. Make your post lengthy and use different multimedia to boost traffic. And also try to remember the following matters.


  1. Use multimedia caption was necessary.
  2. Optimize the image and video to increase page speed.
  3. Use an alternative tag on the image.
  4. And also use relevant multimedia files.


09. Increase Page Speed

Page speed is also treated as a significant on-page SEO factor. Google considers page loading time as their ranking factor. Page speed also increases visitors. You may use a good web hosting company to make your site loading fast. Here I recommend using Siteground as they provide excellent service.

Optimize your images and videos to load the webpage faster. You can also use a different WordPress plugin to speed up your website. I use W3 Total Cache on my site to speed up the pages.


10. Responsive Design

The design of your website also an essential on-page SEO factor. Responsive design means the mobile tab or any other device friendly web design. Your website design must be responsive and all other devices friendly. Responsive design helps to increase the (CTR) Click Through Rate, which is very important for any website.

Responsive Design

Final Words

Doing on-page SEO is very simple if you follow the things mentioned above. You can use SEO optimized WordPress themes in your site to do on-page SEO more easily.

I hope this post will help you a lot to do the on-page SEO correctly. If you follow these perfectly then, you will get a good result on ranking your site. If you have any questions or suggestions, let me informed by the comment section.



