Being able to create an excellently written paper can be very difficult. Some people even resort to plagiarism just to be able to impress their readers. However, in our world today, plagiarism is an act that is not tolerated in any way.
Even just a small trace of plagiarism can give serious punishments to the offenders. For this reason, you want to avoid committing it. You may use either a plagiarism checker tool or various writing techniques that will help you avoid plagiarism. However, the best solution would be to use both. These techniques are discussed below.
Paraphrasing Borrowed Sentences or Paragraphs
You can use a paraphrase to avoid plagiarism. Paraphrasing is the process of rewriting a text using your own words. Thus, to be able to paraphrase well, you should first understand the text that you want to paraphrase. In addition, when you paraphrase a text from someone’s written work, you should not forget to include acknowledgement in the form of citation.
Quoting Exact Statements
Even if paraphrasing is one of the most effective writing techniques that will help you avoid plagiarism, it does not work all the time. There may be texts that would be difficult to rewrite and doing so would ruin the original message that it wants to convey.
In such a case, you may resort to using direct double quotations. All you need to do is to enclose the text that you want to borrow in double quotation marks. In addition, do not forget to include citations.
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Citing Any Borrowed Information
One of the most effective writing techniques to help avoid plagiarism is citing or the use of citations. Citations would help you acknowledge the original source of information you have borrowed for your written work. Some of the most common citation style includes the APA, MLA, Chicago, and Harvard style.
Referencing the Sources of Borrowed Information
In addition, do not forget to include a reference list, bibliography, or literature cited at the end of your paper. This section should contain all of the sources or references that you have used for your paper. For each source, you should include the name of the source, the date when it was published, the name of the publisher, and the location of the publisher.
Make sure to always bear in mind all these techniques that would help you avoid plagiarism. Aside from that, you should also use the plagiarism checker tool. This tool would help you check for duplicate contents on the web. It will output to you the percentage uniqueness of your written work and which parts of it contain exactly similar contents on the web. You can use the tool from its website which is