How To Upload High Quality Photos To Facebook From Android,IOS And Desktop

When we look amazing and great in photos, and we always want to share it with friends, family and to the world typically through social media website Facebook. After uploading a high quality images to Facebook its look blurry, soft and not good as before.

This is also very embarrassing for people who make an hour to edit a high quality and beautiful images and after uploading it to facebook, and it does not look great.

Mostly Photographers always share their great and quality images with the world, but they often find it blurry and heavily compressed images.

So In this guide, I will explain how to upload high quality photos to facebook from android, PC and IOS phones.

Facebook has an option to upload high quality images, but we are unaware of it. This option is unchecked by default, and we have to check it to start uploading HD photos on facebook.

Facebook friends remover

Default Facebook Timelines Images size:

Facebook have three default timeline images size 2048px,920px,700px. These sizes are for regular images posting. Now before editing image on any Editing App or photoshop try to set the default width size. Images with the above width size control the quality of images.

To learn more about facebook image sizes click here.

How to create images for Facebook Page or profile through Photoshop:

To create images for facebook open up the photoshop software and follow the below steps:

• Go to File menu and click on New.

• Now enter the width and height for an image. Use any facebook default width sizes.


create images for Facebook Page or profile through Photoshop


• Now a blank white canvas is created.

• Through type tool of photoshop, you can write any text on an image. Click on T from left options.

• You can also edit images from a personal computer and want to resize it for facebook goto file and click open.


upload High quality photos to facebook


• Once find the image and select it.

• Now drag the image from one window to other with the select cursor to the canvas we just created and resize it accordingly to it width and height.

• Click on open menu and save for web option from the menu.

save images

• If you have written any text on images then choose PNG from the dropdown otherwise JPEG is right.

• Now click on the save button.


How To Upload High Quality Photos To Facebook From Android


• Your images are ready to upload.

How to upload High quality photos to facebook from android mobile phones

Following are the easy and step by step process to upload images to facebook form android.

  1. If you have not installed Facebook App then install it. Once installed open up your account.
  2. On the right side of app click on setting tab and then app setting.
  3. Now scroll and enable upload Photos in HD.

How to upload High quality photos to facebook from android mobile phones


How to upload HD photos to facebook from IOS:

  • Go to Your facebook app and tap More button at the bottom of the page
  • Now select setting and then account setting.
  • Click on Photos and Video and enable the HD options for both.
  • Start uploading High quality images.

How to upload HD photos to facebook from IOS


How to upload HD photos to Facebook form PC / Desktop:

The high quality images option is available when you want to upload as an album to Facebook. Follow the step by step process.

  1. Log in your facebook account From personal computer / Desktop / PC
  2. Click on the Photos on your timeline and then create album
  3. Select image or images you want to upload.
  4. Now there is an option to upload high quality photos check the option.


How to upload HD photos to Facebook form PC Desktop


If you want to upload a single image directly from timeline, then there is no option so far available on facebook to upload as a high quality.

Learn to delete facebook account

But don’t worry if you have followed this guide from the start and create photos through specific size and setting in photoshop then you can directly upload in high quality.

If you have any problem to upload high quality photos to Android, IOS and PC leave your question in comment sections.