We all surely know what SEO is but not completely. Many people are of the view that SEO only involved using main keyword in the title and some other keywords along the paragraphs of your articles.
But I’m afraid that’s not so. SEO is not merely about using certain keywords.
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It is about the optimization of your blog and increasing views on your website. It is about letting the search engines get a better and clearer view of your material and bring it out to the audience looking for it.
But mostly due to misguidance and lack of this knowledge, many new bloggers make certain SEO mistakes in their contents due to which the search engines don’t give their websites a good position and ranking even if their material is superb. This causes them to get disappointed and quit blogging.
But here is good news for all those bloggers who believe that they have brilliant content and an amazing talent but can not get a deserving position from it. So stop quitting, everyone has a different talent.
You only need a good guidance about how to stop making some common mistakes that leaves your blog with little views and ranking.
This article provides you with this guidance. Here we are, letting you know about the things you can make better in your content to get a higher number of audience on your blog or website. When you stop making these mistakes, you will improve your blog’s views for sure.
Let’s take a look at the most common SEO mistakes you may be making.
1. Don’t use Very long titles for Post
Now, this is the biggest mistake one can make that can put down the position of the blog. Some people who are unaware of the bad impact of this give long titles to their SEO content. You should be aware of the fact that Google displays content with titles less than 70 characters (not words).
If your title has less than 70 characters, it will be displayed in search results. But if you have more than 70 characters in your titles, it will be hidden from the results and you will not get a good audience.
2. Not having a good keyword research
Now, it does not matter how easy the topic you are writing on is. Good research on the keywords matters a lot. If you only use the ordinary and common keywords, you will not have very good chances of standing out among all the other people writing about the same thing.
You need to know how many and what kind of people you are competing with and what quality keywords they are using so you can get a better research and use good quality keywords and have your content stand out among all others.
3. Not paying attention to the keyword density
To many of you, this may sound weird and never heard of but it’s one of the most important part of the SEO content. Gone wrong, it can ruin your content. Gone right, it can make you a star.
What is keyword density?
The number of times a specific target keyword appears in a blog post divided by the total number of words of that post is called the keyword density of that specific keyword.
Many people, especially in Pakistan and India, do not focus much on this part of the content writing. Your keyword density has to be in the moderate range that is 2% to 4% per post. Try not to stuff the content with only a couple of keywords. Also, try not to use very little amount of the keyword. Keep a balance.
4. Power of Meta Description
Meta description is an important meta tag after the title of the post which plays an important role in ranking of a blog. Meta keywords tag is now officially useless as it is not at all used anymore. Meta description basically tells the search engine exactly what your article is about. It is only a few lines right after the title of the post.
Many people ignore this and fill the article with a lot of keywords or even stuff the Meta description tag with all the keywords followed by one another which is very wrong. You need to have the right amount of characters in your description tag and put it the right way.
It is advisable to put them in a sentence manner and not just stuff them randomly. The right amount of keywords is said to be less than 155 characters.
5. Images without ALT Tag (Empty Alt tag)
This is one of the biggest mistakes the newbie bloggers make and it can cost you to lose 50% of your traffic. It is very beneficial to use images in your posts as it enhances the quality of your content and gives a better detail to the readers leaving them satisfied.
But do the search engines know you have images on your post? Nope. They do not detect the images on your blog posts because they do not contain any kind of tags. The search engines crawl into your blog posts and gather all the keywords and details of your post but they do not detect images.
To solve this problem, you have to add ALT tags to your images giving the keywords to let the search engines detect your images and find out what they are about to present them in search results.
6. Ignoring Anchor Texts
Anchor text is the links you put into your posts that redirects the readers to other lost related to the post. Now how you present this text makes the difference. If you have a lot of “click here” on your posts or similar anchor texts, the search engine will not give priority to your post.
The solution is to add keywords to your anchor texts and make them look attractive. This way search engines will display your posts first due to the better quality of the content. Do not stuff them with keywords too. Just add the right amount and good luck with it.
We hope you learn from this article and stop making the common mistakes that are ruining the views of your blog and make your blog better by making some simple changes. if you have any question you can ask in the comment section.