A Large number of websites are consisting of images but some webmaster does not optimize the Images properly for better ranking and speeds up the loading time of webpages. WordPress comes with the option of title and alt tags to each image we upload to the WordPress site.
Most of the beginner doesn’t know how to do it properly, and they don’t know the difference between the title of the images and alt tags. Today I will explain how to add alt tags to images in WordPress website.
What is Mean By Alt Tag in HTML
Alt tags is an attribute of the img element or tag in HTML. Once you give alt tag to images this will be shown when the image is not properly show due to slow INTERNET connection or the page is not load properly. Apart from this it also helps Search Engine, for example, Google, Bing and Yandex robots about understand what an image is about. Alt tags are also helpful for people who can not see the images due to some reasons.
Easily Import External Images In wordpress
Always enter your main keyword in the alt tags attribute space which helps our website ranking and also rank images in Google search for specified search term or keywords. The title tags are also important but compare to the alt tags this is less important.
How to Use Alt Tags In WordPress Images
Following are the easy and best step to follow
1) ALT tags should be related to the images and the post title
2) Do not write more the one line
3) Use main SEO keywords of the post
Add one by one Alt tags Manually to Images
You can add easily ALT tag when you upload an image into wordpress media library. Once you upload an image enter the ALT tag its very easy but it will be realy difficult for your if you want to add the ALT tags for all the images already upload into wordpress library.
Automate the process Add Alt tags to Images through plugin
If you have large number of images you can automate the process by installing a pluign called SEO Friendly Images. This plugin do the job in just minutes and add automatically ALT tags and Images Title to the images. If the Images don’t contains the Alt tags and Image title it will add it according to the setting you did.
Search engine robots only know the ALT tags but giving the title tag help you when you hover the mouse on the image it will show the title of the image.
Installing the SEO friendly Images ( WordPress Image Alt text Plugin)
Now Go to WordPress website dashboard > Plugins > Add New > and Type “SEO Friendly Images” on the search box and click on Install Now button.
Activate the Plugin Go to the plug-in setting page and Configure the setting. Check the below images carefully to add the ALT tags properly to all the images.
Now Click on the “Update Button” to Update the setting of the pluigns and it will generates all alt tags for all your images. Always add proper ALT tags to the images your uploading to get good benefit from the plugin. An ideal and best title can be like WordPress-Alt-tags-images.jpg
This will boost the website SEO which will help you to rank your post in search engine and get organic traffic from it
If your website contains a lot images I will suggest you to use properly alt tags to the images with proper keywords but don’t do keywords stuffing which will hurt website SEO. Hop you learn the step by step process of adding how to add alt tags to images in wordpress website. Let us know about any other suggestion you have in your minds.